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How to use the microscope and how to maintain it after use?

2021-08-09 15:03:43

One, use

1. Preparation before observation

(1) Place the microscope on a stable experimental platform, the lens holder is about one inch away from the edge of the experimental platform. The posture of the microscopist should be correct. Generally, the left eye is used for observation, and the right eye is convenient for drawing or recording. Both eyes must be opened at the same time to reduce fatigue. You can also practice to observe with both left and right eyes. The structure of the microscope is shown on the right.

(2) The microscope is an optical precision instrument. Be careful when using it. Be familiar with the structure and performance of the microscope before using it, and check whether the total parts are intact. Whether the lens body is dusty, whether the lens is clean, do the necessary cleaning and adjustment work.

(3) Adjust the light source When facing the light, avoid direct light source, because the direct light source affects the clarity of the object image, damages the light source device and lens, and irritates the eyes. The scattered light outside the window can be used directly in sunny days, such as bright and dark weather, can be illuminated by 8-30W fluorescent lamp or microscope lamp

General steps to adjust the light source and illumination:

a. Rotate the low-power objective lens to the bottom of the lens barrel and rotate the coarse adjustment wheel to make the distance between the lens and the stage about 0.5 cm.

b. Raise the condenser so that it is as high as the surface of the stage. Otherwise, the light will be dark when using the oil lens.

c. Look at the eyepiece with the left eye and adjust the mirror angle of the reflector (the reflector has two concave and flat sides, and the natural light source is strong, and a flat mirror is suitable; the natural light source or artificial light source is weaker, and a concave mirror is suitable.) The light provides a full field of view The inside is uniform brightness. When inspecting stained specimens, the light should be strong; when inspecting unstained specimens, the light should not be too strong. The light can be adjusted by expanding or narrowing the aperture, raising and lowering the condenser, and rotating the mirror.

2. Low-power observation

The specimens to be inspected must be observed with a low-confidence lens first, because the low-power lens has a large field of view, and it is easy to find the target and determine the position of the transmission electron microscope for inspection.

(1) First place the specimen slide on the stage, and place the specimen directly below the objective lens, turn the coarse adjustment wheel, lower the objective lens or raise the stage to make the objective lens 0.5cm away from the specimen.

(2) Look at the eyepiece with the left eye and slowly rotate the coarse adjustment wheel counterclockwise. When an object appears in the field of view, use the fine adjustment wheel and rotate it slightly up and down until a clear object image is obtained in the field of view. Then carefully observe each part of the specimen, determine and move the part that needs further observation to the center of the field of view, and prepare to observe with a high-power lens.

3. High magnification observation

 Turn the high-power lens to the right side. When switching the objective lens, you need to observe from the side with your eyes to avoid collision between the lens and the glass slide. Then observe through the eyepiece, and then carefully adjust the aperture and condenser to make the brightness of the light suitable, and at the same time, carefully turn the fine adjustment wheel in the front and back directions until a clear image of the object is obtained, and find the most suitable part for observation. The part that needs further observation is shifted to the center of the field of view, ready to be observed with oil mirror.

4. Oil lens observation:

(1) Rising condenser, fully open iridescent aperture

(2) Use the coarse adjustment wheel to lift the lens barrel or lower the stage, and turn the converter to turn the oil lens directly under the lens barrel. Put a drop of cedar oil on the microscope site of the slide microscope knowledge series specimens. Slowly turn the coarse adjustment wheel clockwise with your right hand to lower the lens barrel or raise the stage. At the same time, observe from the side of the microscope so that the oil lens is immersed in the oil until it is almost in contact with the specimen. Be careful not to press the specimen, so as not to crush the glass slide or even damage the oil lens.

(3) Observe from the eyepiece, further adjust the light to make the light bright, and then use the coarse adjustment wheel to slowly raise the lens barrel or slowly lower the stage until the object image appears in the field of view, and then use the fine adjustment wheel to correct the focal length . If the oil lens has left the oil surface and no object is seen, you must observe from the side again, lower the oil lens, and repeat the operation until the object is clearly visible.

5. Changing the film

After observing a specimen, if you want to observe another specimen, you need to turn the high magnification objective lens (or oil-powered lens) back to the low magnification objective lens, take out the specimen, and replace it with a new one according to the method of film placement, and then you can observe. Never change the lens under high magnification objective lens (or oily lens) to prevent damage to the lens.

 2. Maintenance

(1) After using the oil lens, first wipe off the oil on the lens with lens cleaning paper, then take a piece of lens cleaning paper, drip a small amount of xylene to wipe, and then take another piece of new lens cleaning paper to leave the residue on the lens Wipe clean with the xylene. Otherwise, the glue of the cemented lens will be dissolved by xylene, and the lens will easily shift and fall off over time.

(2) Lower the condenser and open the iridescent iris so that the reflector is perpendicular to the lens base to avoid dust accumulation.

(3) Wipe the lens body clean with silk cloth (do not wipe it with your hands) to remove dust, oil, and moisture to prevent rust and mold.

(4) Return the parts of the microscope to their original positions, lower the barrel, place the objective lens on the stage in an "eight" shape, and then return the microscope to the mirror box.

(5) The microscope should be stored in a dry and cool place. Do not expose to strong sunlight. The desiccant (silica gel) should be placed in the microscope box during the rainy season. If it is not used for a long time, the optical part should be removed and placed in a desiccator. In order to avoid damp and mildew.

(6) The microscope should not be placed with volatile drugs or corrosive drugs, such as iodine tablets, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid and other drugs.

Three, matters needing attention

1. When taking a transmission electron microscope, you must hold the arm of the mirror with one hand and the holder with the other hand, and keep the body of the mirror vertical. Avoid vibration and place it gently on the stage. Don't lift it up with one hand to prevent the microscope, mirror and eyepiece from falling down.

2. Before use, wipe the body of the lens and wipe the lens with lens cleaning paper (do not wipe with your fingers). If you encounter dry cedar oil on the stage or lens, wipe it off with a small amount of xylene dampened with lens cleaning paper.

3. If the microscope is found to be inflexible or damaged during use, do not disassemble and repair it without authorization, and report it to the instructor immediately.

4. Pay attention to protect the lens, do not crush the specimen and damage the lens.

5. After the microscope is used, the microscope use card should be registered and checked by the instructor, and then put it back into the mirror box.

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